Both dances allow a glimpse into the soul of people of a Nation: the Csárdás shows the temperament of Hungarians and Slovaks, the Tango embodies the spirit of Argentineans. These dances may be symbolized as the agents for national cultural identity.

The man and woman mostly hold and embrace each other in close proximity, often in a romantic way.

The Csárdás and the Tango are both rooted in folklore and have exciting regional variants.

Both dances emerged as fashionable entertainment, reaching fad proportions at their height of popularity.

There are slow and fast versions for these dances. The role of the male is clearly defined to be the leader in both dances, the female’s role is to follow her partner instinctively.

In both dances, the style of a good male dancer is dynamic and masculine, while the woman shines with her femininity.

Both dances show and demand great individuality.

Although these dances have been danced for many decades, they are always fresh and they continue to develop due to their highly improvisational nature.

About Csárdás

Two hundred years ago a new dance fashion took Central Europe by storm. Csárdás! -The Tango of the East. In the midst of innumerable gentle court dances for the nobility came a dance for the people, accompanied by fiery gypsy music. Never was there a dance so majestic and graceful, yet so robust and dynamic.

Join the dancers and musicians of Zoltán Zsuráfszki’s Budapest Ensemble in an extravaganza celebrating the most exciting folkloric developments from Central Europe.

Marvel at the dancing that is adored not only by the Hungarians and Slovaks, but also adapted by the Romanians, Poles, Croatians and, of course, the Gypsies. Enjoy the beatiful and engaging music that inspired so many great composers.

Experience the wide range of emotions and visual spectacle that is Csárdás!-The Tango of the East.


A Brief Biography of Achievements

Education and Experience:
> An Honors Graduate [1975] of the Hungarian State Ballet School/Folkdance Department. Member of the first graduating class of the Department.
> Graduate of the Budapest Teacher’s College, major in education and pedagogy [1985].
> A performer, solo artist, and later, Dance Director and Choreographer of the Hungarian State Ensemble until 1983.
> Artistic Director and Choreographer for several amateur folk ensembles in Hungary and Tanchaz instructor.
> Founding Director [1984], choreographer and solo performer of the famous Kodaly Ensemble which became one of the most important professional folk ensembles in Central Europe until its dissolution, due to lack of funding [1991]. The Ensemble under Zsurafszki toured North America with very significant critical acclaim.
> Artistic Director, Choreographer and later General Director of the Budapest Ensemble [1991]; he revitalized one of the most prestigious professional folk ensembles in Hungary.

Training and Research:
> Studied with the best folk and modern dance instructors in Hungary.
> Innumerable field trips and research tours to Transylvania, Slovakia, Poland.
> Extensive research and study of dances of all nations in the Carpathian Basin including Hungarians, Slovaks,Romanians, Croatians and Gypsies.

> Honor Student at the Hungarian State Ballet School [1975]
> Numerous awards for choreography of amateur groups at festivals.
> “Young Artists Recognition” [1977]
> “Dancer of the Year” [1985]
> Prize for Culture from Heves County [1986]
> Award “Excellence in Hungarian Art” [1989]
> “Gyula Harangozo Prize” [1993] (highest recognition for a dancer in Hungary)

Teaching & Touring
> Canada; Germany; Slovakia; USA; Switzerland; Romania; Russia; France; Finland; Italy; Japan; South America

Budapest Ensemble

The Budapest Dance Ensemble, since its founding by Istvan Molnar in 1958, have been presenting Hungarian Folk Music and dances on stages all around the world.

In addition to rechoreographing and adapting original material for the stage, the Ensemble is also involved in the Dance Hall Movement of nurturing the improvisational dance styles of various towns and villages.

Alongside the traditional small folk band, a gypsy band is also part of the ensemble which performs musical pieces primarily from the romantic era of the 19th Century.

Our dances and costumes represent the richness of the traditional folk songs and dances which have emerged over the centuries.

On the behalf of the dance ensemble I wish to express our gratitude and appreciation to all who have honored our work through their continued support. The material presented by the ensemble, having been respectfully adapted for the stage, has been based on sustaining the different traditional and culturally authentic folk songs and dances within the Carpathian Basin. With these thoughts in mind, we wish to leave you with pleasant and lasting memories of Hungarian folk song and dance.

Artistic Directory: ZSURÁFSZKI ZOLTÁN

Budapest Táncegyüttes

A Molnár István alapította Budapest Táncegyüttes 1958-tól képviselője a magyar táncművészetnek és szinte az egész világon bemutatta már műsorait.

Együttesünk a gondolati tartalmú színpadi koreográfiák mellet, a Táncház-mozgalomb kinövő közösségi, spontán táncolási formákat is terjeszti. A hagyományos, paraszti zenét játszó kiszenekar mellet működik a cigányzenekar is, amelynek műsorát főként a XIX. sz-i romantikus zeneirodalom magyaros gyöngyszemei adják.

Táncaink és viseleteink bemutatják az évszázadokon keresztül kialakult néphagyományok sokszínűségét és gazdagságát.

Együttesem nevében tisztelettel és szeretettel köszöntöm Önöket, akik érdeklődésükkel és figyelmükkel megtisztelik munkánkat. A hagyományápolás, a külömbözo nemzetiségek kultúrájának tiszteletbentartása és megőrzése itt, a Kárpát-medencében, a megmaradás záloga és szimbóluma. Ezért együttesi munkánk, valamint színpadi feldolgozásaink alapja és anyanyelve az eredeti paraszti zene- és tánckultúra. E gondolatok jegyében kívánunk maradandó zenei és táncélményt Önöknek.

Művészeti vezető: ZSURÁFSZKI ZOLTÁN

Das Tanzensemble Budapest

Das Tanzensemble Budapest, gegründet von István Molnár und seit 1958 Vertreter der ungarischen Tanzkunst, zeigte seine Programme fast überall in der Welt.

Das Ensemble präsentiert neben Bühnenchoreographien gedanklichen Inhalts aus dem Bereich Tanztheater auch Formen des geemeinschaftlichen, kreativen, spontaten Tanzes die der Tanzhaus-Bewegung entwachsen sind.

Begleitet wird das Tanzensemble von solchen Musikern, die traditionelle Bauernmusik spielen bzw. von einer Zigeunerkapelle, deren Repertoire wiederum in erster Linie aus wahren Perlen der romantischen Musik im ungarischen Still besteht. Unsere Bühnenkleidung repräsentiert die durch Jahrhunderte herausgebildet. Vielfalt und den Reichtum der Volkstrachten.

Im Namen meines Ensembles begrüße ich Sie alle, die mit5 Ihrem Interesse und Ihrer Aufmerksamkeit unsere Arbeit beehrt haben, recht herzlich. Die Pflege der Traditionen, das Respektieren und die Bewahrung der Kultur der verschiedenen Nationalitätten sind hier im Karpatenbecken, Symbol und Grantie des Weiterbestehens. Deswegen ist immer die authentische bäuerliche Musik- und Tanzkultur die Grundlage und Muttersprache unserer Bühnenbearbeitungen. Im Sinne dieser Gedanken wünschen wir Ihnen ein bleibendes Musik- und Tanzerlebnis.

Küntlerischer Direktor: ZSURÁFSZKI ZOLTÁN